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Key BeneFITS

Win Big Academic Grant Awards - for Registered Participants only

Best of ASCO India 2020 Virtual Conference


25th to 28th June 2020 (Thursday to Sunday): 500 pm to 940 pm 


Three ways to win big grants at our four-day virtual conference


A. Academic Grant Awards (total value Rs 3,00,000/-)  Login and visit all the stalls / booths in the virtual exhibition area (main lobby, exhibition hall A and exhibition hall B - total of 10 stalls), click on the hotspots to see their oncology messages. All those who do so will be automatically entered into the academic grant award draw of the day. The awards are designed to conveniently help your academic participation in virtual conferences.


These academic grant draws will take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 450 pm sharp. All registered delegates who have visited all the stalls on the previous day are automatically entered into the lucky draw. So you need to visit all the stalls daily i.e. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to maximize your chance of winning.

B. Double your chance of getting Academic Grant Award: There is a special Exhibition Area MCQs. These MCQs are based on the data being shown in the respective hotspots of each booth/ stall. By visiting these hotspots, you will be able to get the answers to all the Exhibition Area MCQs each day. Those who get all the answers correct will automatically be entered TWICE in the academic award grant draw mentioned above. You can answer the MCQs once per day (on Thursday, Friday, Saturday) and double your chances of winning the award grants.


Click Here for Exhibition Area MCQs


C. All academic sessions will have audience MCQs (one per academic session). (Links will be provided on conference website AND in the chat feature of the auditorium.) Those participating in these MCQs will earn KC award stars as follows: 


  1. Completing each academic session MCQ (100 stars). 

  2. Getting 50% correct answers in any academic session MCQ (additional 100 stars). 

  3. Completing audience MCQ for all the academic sessions of the day (additional 150 stars).

  4. Getting 50% correct answers in all the academic sessions of the day (additional 250 stars).

  5. Completing audience voting during all the academic sessions of the conference (4 days) (additional 1000 stars). 

  6. Getting at least 50% correct answers in all the academic sessions of the conference (4 days) (additional 2500 stars).


So each participant can get up to 8500 stars from audience MCQs in this 4-day virtual conference.

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